Then there are the “Prime MILFs”, the thirty-something Moms who are hitting their physical sexual peak. The whole “horny housewife” motif is at work here, despite the thinness of actual stay-at-home housewives on the ground these days. Conversely, this type of mature woman also fits nicely into the “Office Manager” fantasy for most men (different from the “Office Temp” fantasy, which usually employs a non-MILF fresh-faced “innocent” young woman). So why are these MILFs attractive?
Firstly, there is her rising self-confidence, occasionally coinciding with a hormonal surge. Biologically speaking, their bodies are screaming at them that they are in the prime of their sexual life, still young enough to be desirable to most men yet old enough to make the most of their sexuality. Their blood is coursing with changing hormones that can make them mad-horny. They have lost enough inhibitions through experience that they are beyond self-consciousness about their sexuality (unless they’ve gotten broken somewhere along the way – that’s a different fantasy altogether) and are beginning to get comfortable with their own desires.
By the time their 30s roll around, a Prime MILF has usually been through enough relationships and poor decision-making to begin developing the sublime confidence that makes them so attractive. They have begun to realize that sexual attraction and emotional fulfillment are two separate things, and that most men aren’t worth their time to court – but (if single or straying) they certainly don’t mind a healthy dose of dick completely unconnected with their emotional life.
No bullshit, no courtship, no metaphorical beating around the bush, the Prime MILF’s have given up all but a vestige of the teasing coquette they may have once been in exchange for the mature, selfish pursuit of sexual pleasure. Their experience with men has taught them how to confidently manipulate them to get what they want, but also taught them the foolishness of trying to “manage” them. Instead they offer (often younger) men exactly what the fresh young girls haven’t realized: that guys will do just about anything for sex, screw the relationship crap.
Prime MILFs are sometimes the victim of “seven year itch”, and is in a prime position for marital infidelity, in theory. Or they have worked their way through a marriage or two, or at least a few serious relationships, and they understand how the male/female dynamic works a LOT better – and work it to their sexual advantage. That rarely wins them friends among their younger, less-experienced colleagues (Cosmo has run a couple of articles on “the Dangers of Cougars” already!) but it does give them a reasonably steady supply of prick without the mess and fuss of a sticky relationship.
Lonely Suburban Housewives (see MILF hall-of-famer Mrs. Brady)
Busy Soccer Moms Who Really Want Jimmy To Start This Season
Affluent And Undersexed Starbucks Moms
Middle Management Working Moms
“When Did I Start Looking At Young Guys Like That?” Moms
“Is That A Wedding Ring And Does It Really Matter?” Moms
Next Up: Part 5: The American Cougar
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