Miss me? You probably didn't even know I was gone! But I'm back from a working vacation and ready to continue to regale you with MILF-related stuff. But that brings me to an interesting quandry:
An acquaintance of mine recently asked why I spent the time and energy doing this blog, when a) there were plenty of other sex blogs out there and b) it's a pain in the ass to build a site from scratch and develop a readership, when I could hitch my fortune to someone else's star who has already developed a readership by writing for other sex blogs.
Perhaps. But you came here because you want MILF, the whole MILF, and nothing but the MILF, so help you Hera! Go to a regular sex blog like Fleshbot or Violet Blue's and you might hit one story about MILFs a month -- if you're lucky.
Me, I prefer to indulge my niche without having to wade through a bunch of stuff I'm not interested in. I'm hoping you do, too. When I post my MILFy Monday picks, it's because I've watched the flick and found favor with the cougars in question. I don't want it to get lost in the torrent of "other" sex news, I want it to be right there up front. And I did this because none of the other sex blogs I was frequenting focused on MILFs. So while I could find space and even perhaps money by focusing my efforts on some other blog, I'd prefer to nurture this one along so that all of us MILF guys (and gals, too -- we know all about the lesbian older woman crush!) have some place to hang out, shoot the proverbial shit, and enjoy the MILFiness without, say, going through another dozen posts about the latest porn "it" girl.
So I'm glad we had this little talk. More MILFy Mondays next week!
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