A recent development in MILFology has been the sub-nicheing of different kinds of MILFs. Like most “fetishy” niches, there is a variety within the theme with many different and diverse attractions. Today it isn’t “one MILF fits all”, there is definitely more than one kind of mature woman worthy of our lust and appreciation. Let’s run through the various spectra of MILFhood, and break down the attractions, shall we?
First there are what we call the “Young MILFs”, women in their late twenties or early thirties in the bloom of new motherhood: Mommies. Often the allure of these freshly minted MILFs is their sudden appreciation of their sexual maturity – the tentative, experimental days of youth are gone with the pangs of childbirth, as are the petty concerns that once haunted them. After undergoing pregnancy and the massive metabolic changes and physical interruption of the standard sexual organs (like, for instance, the Titty Fairy arriving and granting them the boobs they wanted since High School, and the less-eagerly-anticipated Stretch Mark Fairy), not to mention the emotional trauma of the experience, the Young MILF has begun to realize just how much of their early sex life was BS and which parts are really important to them. Their sexual responses are less about their attractiveness or how they are pleasing their men, and more about pleasing themselves.
As Petra, Wise Young Mommy and blogger of Sex And The Suburbs blog states so eloquently about this phase:
I got married, moved in with my in-laws, had a child, and bought a house. I went from being a publishing/editorial assistant in a publishing company to a work from home editor and writer to an unemployed blogger. I also went from being 25, in the best shape of my life, having sex almost every day to 30, saggy and stretched out and having sex about once or twice a week. If I saw myself now back then, I would be horrified. Then I would go admire myself naked in the mirror and go have some crazy sex.
For our part, there is something about a new mother that invokes the protective nature in most men. Call it the flip side of motherly nurturing, the fatherly protective instinct can often propel a man into a collision course with a Mommy because she stimulates our evolutionarily developed instinct to protect the young and the nursing mothers. Despite some more radical interpretations of feminism, which see this attraction as somehow demeaning or insulting to an independent woman, this essential male instinct is designed to do neither. Nor can we divorce the protective from the sexual -- the two primal motivations are forever and intrinsically linked. When we men see innocence and vulnerability, there is a sexual twinge to the emotion that compels us to action the way no mere philosophy or morality does. Unfortunately, our society has tried to separate motherhood from sex to the extent that sometimes we feel guilty, or are castigated, by our sexual attraction to young mothers. Madonna or whore, there is no place in traditional Western thinking for a sexually active mother, nor a man who is attracted to the same. Mommies make us hard. That isn't sick. Don't make us ashamed of it, it's perfectly natural.
Often these women have suddenly become intimately aware of their sexuality and its connection to the over-all life force of the universe, seen through the filter of motherhood, and they embrace it as hungrily and as eagerly as free sample of Godiva Chocolate at the mall. Sometimes there is a certain desperate desire to reclaim their sexuality after the long pregnancy and infancy stages, and they want to prove to themselves and their partners that they and their suddenly-stretch-marked body can still perform like the 22 year-old hottie they remember being. Or perhaps it’s just been a while since their husband/boyfriend/passing stranger has given these new mommies the sexual fulfillment they need, and they just wanna get righteously fucked!
“My Husband Hasn’t Touched Me Since The Delivery!” Mommies
“OMG – I Can’t Be Someone’s Mommy Yet!” Mommies
“I’ll Do Anything To Get My Kid Into Daycare” Mommies
“I’m Still Attractive, Aren’t I? AREN’T I?!?” Mommies
"I Can Still Blow A Dude In A Bathroom Because I'm Not THAT Old Yet" Mommies
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